Only a few places can offer quietness and a peace of mind like the mountains. Pingtung has many well-preserved and secluded old trails to choose from, and visitors are thus encouraged to experience the natural beauty and serenity of a guided hike for themselves.
North Dawu Mountain Trail
北大武山海拔3,092 公尺,在中央山脈南端,為台灣五嶽之一。大武山蘊藏豐富自然資源,且山頂可見山海大觀,秋冬之際,有機會見到日出雲瀑與落日晚照,值得一訪。
Located at an altitude of 3,092 meters, and situated on the south side of the Central Mountain Range, North Dawu Mountain is one of the five highest mountains in Taiwan. Rich in natural resources, it offers stunning views from its summit. This is especially true between fall and winter, when climbers are treated to the magnificent "cloudfalls" at sunrise and beautiful rosysunsets. Definitely worth a visit!
The local indigenous Paiwan people regard the North Dawu Mountain as their sacred mountain and call it "Melimiligang", translates into "Beauty of aReverie".
Taiwu Township, Pingtung County
Shimenshan Trail
石門山步道位於屏東縣牡丹鄉,「石門」就是由蝨母山( 石門山) 與五重溪山斷崖夾峙而成的斷崖絕壁。因地勢險要、儼如門戶,故稱石門。不到每100 公尺設有里程樁,全程皆在樹林內步行,景觀充滿原始自然生態。
Located in Mudan Township, Pingtung County, the Shimenshan Trail actually lies on a steep cliff shared by Mt. Shimen (also Mt.Shimu) and Mt. Wuchongsi. It earned the name "Shimen" (literally"stone gate") due to its strategic location and uncanny resemblance to a front door. The entire trail is surrounded by the forest, and it leads hikers among many natural and largely undisturbed ecosystems. It is also well-marked with milestones at regular intervals of less than 100 meters.
The Shimenshan Trail was the siteof the famous Mudan Incident,so be sure to visit the ShihmenAncient Battlefield Memorial Hallalong the way, in order to payrespect to those brave indigenoussouls who fell resisting during theJapanese invasion.
Mudan Township, Pingtung County
Dongyuan Wet Grassland
With the picturesque Kuci Hu ("Lake of Tears") and surrounding fields of spectacular white ginger lilies, the scenic wetlands of the Dongyuan tribe form an earthly paradise, ideal for simply wandering and admiring the view.
Mudan Township, Pingtung County
For the protection of the fragile local ecosystem, safety, and respect to the customs and land rights of the indigenous tribes, visitors are highly recommeded to enter this area under the guidance of a local docent.
Alangyi Old Trail
阿塱壹古道位於省道台26 線尾端,橫跨屏東縣與台東縣。昔日為原住民打獵、學者探險的路線,更是先民拓荒的舊道。古道大都被鵝卵石鋪蓋,並非一般山林步道的泥路或木棧道。因人跡罕至,景觀自然原始,享有「海角天涯」美稱。
The Alangyi Old Trail sits towards the end of Provincial Highway No.26, connecting the counties of Pingtung and Taitung. It was once an important hunting route for indigenous peoples, as well as a main road for early settlers branching out to develop new areas. More recently, it’s also been an invaluable trail for scholars to explore its legacy. Differing from other walks, instead of dirt road or wooden planks, most paths of this trail is covered with pebbles in all sizes. Because the traces of hikers are comparatively few, it leaves the trail a more untouched and undiscovered feel, obtaining the title of "End of the Earth."
阿塱壹古道為自然保留區, 每日有遊客人數限制, 請先提出申請,並配有一名專業解說員方能入內,入內須攜帶身份證明文件。
To enter the nature reserves of Alangyi, pplication is required prior to the visit (limited numbers per day), with a valid ID, and ccompanied by a professional tour guide.
Mt. Sihlinge Recreation Area
Sihlinge (or"four forest grid") derives its name from the rugged and checkered landscape of the area. Located in the center of Hengchun, its peak overlooks the entire peninsula, and it's the only place in Taiwan where the Pacific Ocean, the Taiwan Strait, and the Bashi Channel can all be viewed at the same time.
As the“Hengchun’s finest lookout ”,visitors can enjoy spectacular views of the ocean and the sky merging into one.
Mudan Township, Pingtung County
Gueishan Trail
Gueishan ("turtle mountain"), also named Mt. Dinghutou ("tiger head peak"), is a hill next to the estuary of the Baoli River and adjacent to the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium in Checheng Township. Along the way, visitors are able to stay away from the heat under the hades of trees and manmade pavilions, except for the first observation deck. Beautiful butterflies can be spotted circling around in the sunlight splashing through leaves and branches above. Numerous additional lookouts along the trail promise a host of expansive sceneries to take in.
It only takes half an hour to reach the top of the relatively undemanding Gueishan Trail. From there, you can admire the spectacular scenery courtesy of the surrounding mountains and sea.
Checheng Township, Pingtung County
Lilongshan Trail
里龍山為中央山脈往南的延伸,是恆春半島最高、唯一海拔超過1,000 公尺的高山,也是南部最高峰和小百岳之一。全長約7 公里,單程行程2 至4 小時,景觀多變富挑戰性。
A s a southern extension of the Central Mountain Range, Mt. Lilong ("mile-long dragon") is not only the only mountain over 1,000 meters in Hengchun, but also the highest peak in southern Taiwan. Featured on the list of "Taiwan’s Top Hundred Hills", this challenging but scenic trail is seven kilometers long and takes two to four hours (one-way) to complete.
Though the first part of the trail is flat and fairly easy going, there are several streams and boulders to negotiate as one approaches the summit.
Shizi Township, Pingtung County
Trails in the Shuangliu Forest Recreation Area
本步道位於屏東縣獅子鄉,佔地約1600 公頃。園區內有白榕步道、帽子山登山步道、沿山步道及瀑布步道,每條步道各具特色,環境生態多樣,清澈的溪水及豐富的魚類更是雙流寶貴的自然資產。
The recreational area is located in Shizi Township, Pingtung County, and covers approximately 1,600 hectares. It consists of the White Banyan Trail, the Maozih ("hat") Mountain Hiking Trail, the Mountainside Trail, and the Waterfall Trail; each with its own distinct features and diverse ecosystems. Clear streams and an abundance of fish further add to the rich natural resources of Shuangliu Forest Recreation Area.
Shizi Township, Pingtung County
春天可賞蝶、賞蘭;夏天可親水、觀瀑; 秋天可健行並享受森林浴; 冬天則有紫斑蝶在此度冬。
One may enjoy viewing butterflies and orchid up close in spring,play in the water and watch the waterfall in summer, appreciate forest bathing in autumn, and spend time with the purple crow butterfly (Euploea tulliolus) in winter.
Trail in the Kenting National Forest Recreation Area
位於墾丁社頂,海拔約230 至300公尺,森林密佈。步道舒適宜人,豐富的熱帶植物吸引各種動物昆蟲以此為家。區內有著名的白榕植物,可欣賞「一樹成林」奇景,而銀葉板根則是最富盛名的景點,近年來仍持續不斷的擴張增高,因而形成特殊有趣生態現象。
Located in Sheding, Kenting, the elevation of this trail varies from approximately 230 to 300 meters above sea level. Lush tropical vegetation provides not only ideal dwellings for various animals and insects, but also welcome human visitors with paths of shade. In the renowned White Banyans Area, an exclusive view of the stunning "Forest by One Tree"can be found. Additionally, the looking-glass trees (or "Heritiera littoralis Dryand") has attracted more attentions due to the remarkable vitality of their ever-extending buttress roots.
The surrounding landscape of the trail composed mostly of limestone and coral reef, sets this extraordinary trail apart from most in walks in Taiwan.
Hengchun Township, Pingtung County
Liangshan Waterfall Trail
涼山瀑布共有三層,位於屏東東港溪上游的牛角灣溪裡。通往第一層瀑布的道路平整易行,是遊客親近自然戲水的最佳休閒場所。往二、三層瀑布較接近登山行程,約步行30 至40 分鐘可抵達最壯觀的第三層瀑布。步道緊貼山壁溯溪而上,急流、深潭等景觀多樣,一路聆聽溪水潺潺,令人紓胸暢懷。
The Liangshan ( "cool mountain" ) Waterfall s actually a series of three distinct waterfalls along the Niujiaowan Creek, and it is located upstream from the Donggang River in Pingtung. The first waterfall is the most accessible, thus it’s the best choice for travelers who just want to get their toes wet. However, it requires a trip of climbing numerous steps along the steep mountainsides, which would be more suitable for those who are ready to hike. It takes approximately 30 to 40 minutes to get to the third waterfall by foot, which is the most spectacular of the three. Although it’s more challenging, the walk along the trail promises rewarding views of the rapid streams and deep pools, as well as incessant and soothing murmuring of the creek.
The Liangshan Waterfall is a perfect spot for bird watching, as well as for observing ferns.
Majia Township, Pingtung County
Mt. Weiliao Trail
As ideal as it is for more leisurely trips, the Mt. eiliao Trail is alsogreat for training and getting into shape before high mountainexpeditions. The first half of the trail is private and mostly single-laneroad with a gradually ascending slope. As you make your way up thehill, Maolin area and the river bed of the Laonong River below can beviewed, as well as a host of exquisite mountains in the distance. Bothsides of the trail are covered by dense acacia forests, creating shadesfrom direct sunlight. On steeper sections, stairways with safety ropesfor climbers to hold on to. Further up, the trail lies the "Dajin Falls", asecret scenic spot that can't be found in the guidebooks.
With a wide variety of plant and animal species to be found on and around, the trail is an excellent place to simply admire nature, to enjoy the great outdoors, and to conduct field trips to learn more about the local ecosystems.
Gaoshu Township, Pingtung County
Jinshueiying Old Trail
Since the weather is always cloudy, foggy,and very humid all year round along this route, It has been aptly named Jinshueiying ( "soaked camp" ). This trail is one of the oldest and most frequently traversed crossmountain trails in Taiwan. Tracing along the path, one may find a rich diversity of life form both animal and plant, with ferns and orchids being the most notable species. In addition to these unique natural sights, the Jinshueiying Old Trail also bears traces of significant events that mark different milestones in the rich history of Taiwan.
Chunri Township, Pingtung County
Going back around five centuries, the Jinshueiying Old Trail was originally used mainly for patrolling the area. Since then, the Dutch, the local indigenous people, the Han settlers, and the Japanese have all made use of it for different reasons. As a well-trodden and historical path, it’s been shaped by the footfall of tribes, goldminers, missionaries, merchants, and soldiers.
Ethics of the Trail
Leave footprints, not trash. Take pictures, not souvenirs. Kill time, not creatures.
Stick to the trail and do not cut corners. When sitting down during a break, ideally do soon bare rocks or the bare earth.
Always perform release of urine and stool downstream from camping water sources, or atleast 50 meters away from camping areas.
When camping or accommodating of trail housing facilities, please refrain from creatingloud noise that would disturb the peace and quietness of the nature.
Reserving beds at the trail house by placing food or cookware is not an appropriate behavior.
Return home with all non-biodegradable trash. All liquid and food waste should ide-ally be buried in small pits.
Please bring all cookware utensils and fuels required for cooking. Making campfires is not allowed.
Gear & Equipment
[ 登山鞋]
hiking boots
[ 吸濕排汗的布料衣物]
moisture-wicking (quick-dry) clothing
[ 雨衣]
[ 帽子]
[ 地圖及資料、哨子]
maps and information, whistles
[ 隨身證件、水壺、個人糧食]
necessary documentation, water bottles,and rations of personal food
[ 手電筒(預備電池)]
flashlights (with spare batteries)
Hiking gear should, above all, be light and practical.
Use a comprehensive list of necessary items to prepare for each excursion.
Following a climb or hike, wash and check all equipment thoroughly before storing in a suitable place.
Excessive or inadequate gear could both impact negatively on a hike. Label all belongings to prevent items from getting mixed up with those of other hikers, especially on crowded trails.
Always pack and carry one personal medical kit.
[ 禦寒外套]
warm jackets
Edible Provisions
In principle, look to pack foods that are light, non-perishable, and high in calories.
Provisions should also include three main nutritional elements namely sugars, roteinand fats, as well as minerals and vitamins.
Edibles that are light and easy to store are most conveniently carried, while foods that areeasy to cook or prepare reduce the need for additional fuel sources.
Favor high-calorie and salty food.
Pack two-days worth of extra provisions.
During the hike, consume the heavier and more perishable goods first.
Reduce packaging as much as possible to minimize excess weight and trash.
Sour and spicy food can be added to stimulate appetite.
In order to replenish sodium and energy levels whenever necessary, each individualhiker should pack an adequate amount of supplementary trail snacks such as candies orcookies.
Edible Provisions
[ 在登山之前]
Prior to Hiking
Always respect and revere the Nature. Stay vigilant and humble at all times during your expedition.
Whether on easier or more demanding sections of the trail, always aim to hone and improve your hiking skills and absorb as much knowledge about the great outdoors as possible.
Prior to participating in any outing, always inquire into the experience and reputation of its organizers and guides. Also check if the itinerary, as well as any claims made to promote the hike, are reasonable and indeed suitable for yourself and your party.
When entering any restricted or protected natural areas, please do so with the assistance of an experienced guide familiar with the trail, and submit all necessary information, such as entry permits and other documentation, to the relevant authorities.
Before attempting any high-mountain expeditions, be sure to meticulously plan and map out all routes and schedules, in order that all party members are thoroughly informed as to all particulars pertaining to the hike.
Prior to commencing any hike, consult up-to-date reports regarding expected weather patterns and the condition of the trail, thereby ensuring a firm knowledge to enter the mountains safely and securely.
In order to prevent shortages of necessary items, always pack (and double-check that you are carrying) a sufficient amount of gear and food.
[ 在登山途中]
Along the Trail
Follow all advice and instructions given by your guide(s), and adhere at all times to any group rules or regulations that might apply.
Always stick to the original route and schedule, and do not make random changes to either.
Companions are essential on any excursion. Never break away from or lag behind the party or group, or leave the trail on your own.
To prevent wild fires and ensure proper fire safety, always seek out bare patches of ground (devoid of dry leaves, twigs and/or any other flammable debris or materials) when cooking or heating food. Also, be aware of surrounding water sources, and check thoroughly especially prior to sleeping or departure that any existing fires are fully and completely extinguished.
Afternoon conditions in mountainous areas are often misty and cloudy. Instead of lingering along the trail, aim to return to camp or cabin as early as possible.
While hiking, pay attention to prominent features of the landscape and refer to the map during each rest stop, in order to remain adequately orientated at all times.
During hike, constantly stay alert to any changes in the weather that might occur. In the event of a typhoon or heavy rain, descend from the mountain or seek adequate shelter as expediently as possible.
Water is a scarce and precious commodity in the mountains. Always fill your drinking flask at any suitable opportunity, and sip rather than gulp whenever bouts of thirst are experienced.
Keep an eye on the trail surface at all times, and always stop while admiring the scenery.Do not attempt to hike and enjoy the view at the same time, lest you lose your footing and cause injury to yourself or others.
When traversing cliffs or rivers, be sure to lend one another a hand and make use of appropriate mountaineering ropes if necessary.
Upon encountering venomous insects or snakes, or wild animals such as bears, never attempt to attack or frighten any creature. Rather leave the scene as quickly as possible, or take a slight detour to avoid the area altogether.
After each meal and prior to sleeping, always make sure to properly seal and pack away all food items to avoid them being consumed by animals.
Avoid hiking up or down streams or rivers in valleys with no clearly demarcated trail. If lost, always return to the original, official route or path. Alternatively, seek adequate shelter, conserve energy and patiently wait for rescue or assistance. Never panic or make random attempts to regain the trail.
In the event of highly unfavorable climatic conditions, severe shortages, or acute altitude sickness, attempt to make contact with the outside world as quickly as possible, to ensure prompt assistance and rescue.
Start off slowly at a gentle pace and with shorter strides. Once warmed up, gradually adjust your pace and speed up at a steady rate, leading with the thighs, then the knees and the calves. Always take one step at a time, maintaining both balance and rhythm throughout.
While hiking or climbing, lean slightly forward with your upper body in order to shift the center of gravity to your waist and ensure greater stability. Tread firmly with each step,distributing your body weight evenly across both legs.
Rest stops should be of a suitable duration and never too long. A common rule of thumb is to stop for five to ten minutes ever y hour, and to take a twenty-minute break every three hours.
Hiking uphill is usually the most energy-sapping and should be accompanied by deep, regular breathing and a suitable adjustment in pace.
Also try to maintain speed and rhythm during descents, in order to prevent significant drops in body temperature.
Avoid being overhasty when climbing steeper rock faces or crags, and use your hands and feet to test for stability before pivoting or significantly shifting
your body weight. In principle, try to stick to the “three limbs fixed, one limb moving” rule as much as possible.